Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Baking...and then some other things!

Ok so my mom makes these amazing pumpkin squares, and I had a faculty luncheon today and I wanted to impress my colleagues (or however you spell it..ha ha), so I decided to make it. Well, I asked my mom for the recipe thinking it would be a snap to put together. Well, I lost the recipe, so the prideful person I am just thinks, oh I can look it up on a recipe websight. I didn't want my mom to know, because I am so absent minded sometimes. I looked up what I thought to be the same thing. Well, it has three layers..crust, wich came out just fine. The filling required milk, wich I was out of. Run to the store in the middle of it to get the milk. Come back realize the filling calls for pumpkin pie filling not pumpkin. I already had the pumpkin so I made my own version of pumpkin pie filling. Spread that on. The last layer is some crumble topping. The butter all formed into a ball instead of crumbles, so I put it in the freezer to harder it up again, then crumbled it. Well, it wasn't crumbled enough so I added brown sugar. Finally I get it in the oven, and pull it out the full amount of cooking time. I cut into it ten minutes later to find the filling more like pumpkin pudding (it's supposed to be like a pumpkin pie in the middle). I turned on the oven again, and cooked it for another twenty min. I took it out and it looked NOTHING like my mom's pumkin squares. BOMB!I was pretty upset. By this time it was 9:15. I didn't want to make anything else. I ran to the store and got a buntcake and cut it up and put it on a platter. I am a pretty good cook, so it really bugs me when something doesn't turn out, and I hated to bring something from the store. WOW..long story! Anyway, I decided to take the pumpkin squares to my class. I couldn't waiste them, yet I didn't think they were good enough for the faculty luncheon. My class LOVED them..go figure. One little guy had three of them and kept moaning and groaning..ha ha. Oh gotta love my kids.
Well, enough of that! I have three days left of school. I am counting down. My students are sooo hard to motivate around this time of year. They get so excited and some of them even believe in Santa. I am am so excited for this weekend. Nick and I are having "our Christmas." We don't get to spend the actual day together, but he is coming up the day after. When we talk about traditions in our family they honestly are very similar. It's pretty funny that one of us will say what we do and the other will say we do that to! I think it's great, because then we won't argue on how to do things. Saturday night will be our Christmas Eve. We are going to exchange PJ's, have hot chocolate and cookies. On Sunday we will exchange gifts and even we did stockings. I am planning on making a nice dinner for us. I got a turkey from my school! It's just makes me thankful for traditions, and realize my parents made it very special around the holidays. Shout out to MOM and DAD! Love you guys!
Also I have to say Nick, I Love you!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008


My heart is so full today for some reason. I feel blessed SO much today. I have a great family and friends. I have a great life! Hope I can give back to others what they have always given to me. I guess it's my pre-new years resolution!! ha ha..I love you all!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ok, so I wasn't expecting this hot little item for a couple weeks. Nick suprised me last night after work and popped the question. It was a simple way to ask, but he knew i wanted it that way. Very private, and simple! He did perfect on the way he asked. I got home from work (24 hour fitness), and was sitting on the couch. I decided to take a shower because I had been battling a cold and showers seems to help clear me out. Well, when I got out and all in my jammies, Nick had turned off all the lights except for the Christmas tree. So, before I get into to much detail Nick had told me earlier that he had gone shopping??..for more ornaments and a star. I was kind of sad he didn't wait for me..ha ha. Well, first I saw the beautiful star, then I looked down from that and there were a few new ornaments on the tree. One said, "Will you marry me?" and then the others just had some cute things he wanted to say to me, and then I started crying. OF I was totally in my pj's with damp hair, and turned around and he was on one knee. He then popped the question and of coarse I said yes!!! It was very sweet and special. He then told me to turn one of the ornaments around and the ring was tied to one of the brances. So, I posted a picture of the ring, but honestly does not do it justice!!!!!!! What a shock. I was not expecting it. Nick I LOVE YOU!!! I am so excited to be your wife..oh yea now I can say!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All grown up!

I bought a tree last night, and we had to put it up. I feel like a real adcult now buying my own Christmas tree. It's not finished yet, but we thought for cheap ornaments, it doesn't look half bad. Well, it's off to Idaho for us tom! We are both so excited!

Monday, November 24, 2008

HA HA...

After reading through my posts you would think that I was pretty much obsessed with Nick...kind of am..but in a normal lovey sort of way!..:-)


Maybe I just want to ramble this morning, or some how trying to take a break from the reality of school, but I had the best weekend! Nick and I pretty much did nothing this weekend. Oh yea, we did go to applebee's but that was just an after thought. Life is good. I don't think it can get better then at this moment. It's interesting how relationships go through different stages. Every stage is fun and exciting. I remember when Nick and I started dating how giddy I was. Now I am not so giddy, but more get butterflies every time I see him. I feel at home around him. We just get closer every day. It is so fun to fall in love! When the walls are done magic can happen. I don't even mean to sound cheesy, but when two people are just willing to let themselves go, and just fall for each other it's an amazing experience. I think some people never get to the point where all their walls are totally down in a relationship. It's a scary place to be. You feel vulnerable at times when you realize this person is so much a part of you now, it wouldn't be the same if they were to just go away or things didn't work out. It's worth the risk to me. The way Nick makes me feel. WOW! Other then Nick I do have a life, like work and more work. Teaching is going great. I can't complain. My students are full of drama and suprises every day, but I am totally used to it. It never gets boring that's for sure. I have a very small amount of kids this year. I almost got student that would have been a wild one, but luckily the district realized this was not an appropriate setting so I got off the hook! My other job at 24 hour fitness is still good. I just like working there now because of Nick. However, I really wouldn't mind not having a second job. It's such a pain sometimes, but the money is nice, and it helps that I get to see Nick more!! Well, I think I have rambled enough for now!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Can't Believe I am with such a hottie!!

I do have these pictures on my picture slide, but you have to click on a button to get there. So..I just had to post these because I just gotta brag about my hot guy! Isn't he so handsome!I love to kiss him! He has the most amazing If you haven't kissed someone lately I suggest doing it soon!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My BIG 30th birthday.............

OK...SO I really don't know why this is messed up, but if you click on view images then you can go through the pictures. I tried to post alot of pics. Basically I just wanted to put some more pictures up of Nick and I. They are dorky most of them!! Well, my 30th was excellent. It got kind of drug out into four days. The party time is over though. It was a great birthday. Saturday Nick and I just hung out all day and had some fun. He is so sweet, he took me to the melting pot...VERY good! We had a blast. Sunday we just relaxed and made dinner. On my actual birthday I made HIM I was happy to though, because he made my birthday so special, and it was a school night, so we didn't want to be out late..ha ha. I love that boy! He has the ring in his possession, so it's only a matter of time before I get it! He said the ring was flawless. I am so excited to have it, and wear it as a symbol of out love!!!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=2666130979421593910&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">

Monday, November 10, 2008

This weekend........

Nic Makes fun of me because I like to take pictures of myself. It's not that I think I look amazing or anything, I just like to do it. I snapped this before we went out this weekend. It was his big 27 birthday this weekend. I took him to get Sushi at Happy Sumo..LOVE THAT place! We also didn't forget the ice cream. The great thing is we have alot of the same tastes in food. We know during the week we have to buckle down and eat like a health freak, and then we can relax a bit on the weekends. This works really well! We enjoy our weekend slurges. I then drug Nick out dancing with me. I love to dance, and he just shakes his hips a It works! On Sunday we then had dinner with his family. I made the cake and his mom made Nick's favorite meal. She is a great cook. It was so nice to have a family dinner. I am so happy his family is so easy to be around. We stayed there all day! We then came home and snuggled and talked till we fell asleep. Again another weekend for the books. I love you Nick!!!

After the Fact

So, I forgot to talk about my amazing weekend last weekend, and I will also write about this weekend. Both were such a blast. Last weekend Chris and the girls came down to see me. We had such a blast. They got to meet Nick! The girls really liked him. Whitney was a little charmer with him. She really just warmed up to him almost in an instant. I mean who wouldn't..ha ha. He is a nice looking guy! She is now in that stage where she doesn't like me that much...her words are "yucky Becca." I try not to let it get me down..ha. I know she is only two..:-) We first went to the mall without Nick, and I showed Christina the ring that I was going to get. It made me nervous because the kids were crawling all over the place! We then met up with Nick and went to the dinosaur museum. I think the kids had fun, and then the best part of all. Nick and his little sister baby sat my neices and my sister and I went out to dinner. We had a great time. It was nice to be out with just us. Nick was a gem for baby sitting. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever! All together a great weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It could be official soon....

(my baby..........sigh!)

So, just to update the few who read my blog. Well, most of you I talk to in person already..BUT I like to write! Nic bought the ring a few days ago. So, yes we will probably get engaged soon. Unless he drags it out into next year..:-), I will be wearing a beautiful diamond ring on my left hand before Christmas. I can't wait to be with the man I love! The ring isn't so shabby! I love my Nic, he is the only man for me. I seriously believe in fate now. We are so perfect for each other. He is so patient and loving. I couldn't dream up a more perfect guy. I guess all the frustration of being single until I was a bit older...uh..30 to be exact in a couple weeks, is all worth it. I told him I would be single another ten years if I knew that he would be at the end of the road. I can't even say end because I feel like life is just starting. Well, a new chapter I should say. I have been waiting to start this chapter for a while. I now understand that you can only move on to the next chapter when you are ready. I finally feel ready. I can't say I have felt ready until just recently. I guess you could say I am a late bloomer. When Nic and I compare our lives through our 20's, we realize that if we would have met at a different time in either one of our lives it wouldn't have worked like it is now. We just have an amazing flow. There is a plan for our lives, but sometimes it doesn't make sense until the end of the chapter. I now know why I have remained single. It has been to wait for my Nic, and to learn more about myself. Life is a process, and things make sense to me more then they ever have. I am so happy, and content. Sure, I get stressed out, but inside I always have that peaceful feeling in my gut, and I can actually say to myself it will all be ok. If I am struggling with something, I can say this too shall pass. Sometimes when you are at the bottom of a hole, and see no light or a way up, you just have to hold onto the times where you did feel in the light. I will soon be posting a pic of my ring, and you call can celebrate this moment in my life with me!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am not a fan....

So, I just thought I would vent this morning. I HATE waking up in the mornings. How hard is to leave a nice warm bed that is the most comfortable thing I have ever been on..well I will tell you! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! Well, not impossible. The only thing that motivates me is the fact that I have a job like most productive people I know. I am so not a morning person. I am done venting...I still feel like I am sleep walking.........................

Friday, October 31, 2008

Update's been a while since I have written on this here goes. Well, Nick and I are totally moving forward in our relationship. I can't give out to many details, but I did give a hint! Life has been great still. I am just looking forward to the weekend. My sister and neices are coming into town, and we are going to have a blast this weekend! I am excited to see the little rug rats!! I just need this day to be over now! I get so anxious sometimes when I am away from my luv. I always get so excited to see him even if we have only been apart for a short period of time. I I am sure some of you can relate. Yes, honey moon stage is still going strong. Who may never go away, so I hope!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


There are moments in your life where you feel sad, happy, anxious, stressed, over-whelmed, I could go on. This very moment in my life I feel at peace. I know I have mentioned it earlier in my posts, but I can't say it enough. I want to remember this moment in my life forever. I hope to continue this peace for a very long time into the future. I honestly feel like my life is complete. For those of you who are close to me, you know I have struggled to get things together in my life at times. I know I am not perfect, or do I make perfect choices all the time still, but my life just feels together. I only talk about Nic alot on here because he doesn't look on my blog. I have yet to give him the address. Some day I will share my blog with him. I need to brag about him a little. You know before you meet the "one" you kind of make a mental list in your head of what you want in a future partner? Well, he has everything I have ever wanted and more. I know it's totally clique to say, but it is very heart felt. I feel like when we are together my heart is whole and complete. I also feel when we are apart my heart hurts a little. I know its cheesy, but this is the first time I have understood what it means to be in love. I even want to take him shopping with me now. In the past I never worried about including a boy in my basic decisions, but I want to include him in everything. That's part of being in a real relationship. I am almost 30, but I have never understood it. I have waited so long to experience something like this. I feel so blessed every day of my life. Love is not over rated. I have never felt like this in. I love you Nic! It's my shout out to him, even though he doesnt read this. ..:-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So I have been toying with the idea of getting extensions. They are a bit expensive, but I guess I am having a mid life crisis already. I didn't have work last Thursday, and my friend who is a hair dresser convinced me to let her put in a hair piece. Its a clip on. It blended in with my other hair pretty good. I took a pic...what do you all think? I loved having long hair. Nick loved it. He says I am in the cute category, and that's the best place to be. He bumped me into the sexy category tonight. He was blown away by the whole look. I loved impressing him! Funny how dating him makes me want to look better and better. He is my inspiration!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Meet the Fam

So this weekend I had to privilage of meeting pretty much all of Nic's imediate family. His sister blessed her baby, so yes that was a recipe for family time. I was pretty nervous at first but the minute I stepped out of his car, I was greeted with open arms. He has an awesome family! I don't know why I was nervous at all. He has beautiful little sisters, and I gotta admit his 14 year old sister is my favorite. She is spunky and unique, just my type of person! I am excited to get to know them better!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cookie Time

The last activity before the kids crashed out was decorating some sugar cookies. They enjoyed this activity as much as me watching them. I love to bake with my neices when I go home. They just like to stick their little fingers in the sugar and dough! Oh well, at leas the germs are baked out in the oven. At least that is what I have been told over the years.

I love Kenzie to death. We decided to make some Halloween cookies. She goes all out on the decorating. I think whoever eats these will have to take a swift trip to the dentist soon after! I love the way they turned out. She was very intense about the way the candy corns were placed on the cookie. Fortunately for us Pa has a sweet tooth, and he had one.

Oh Yea about the weekend.....

Olive Garden time. So while I am training I get one cheat meal a week. I decided to take some members of the family to the Olive Garden. I have become very infactuated with the 6 cheese marina sauce. Try it! So, I drug my brother and his wife there, and also my two neices. They were not as impressed as I was...sad!

Sweet...innocent...ahh ....the old keep the children busy with coloring the menu trick. I have seen it done, but never tried it myself. It works for about one minute, until they start fighting over the crayon colors. Bomb on that one.
She looks possessed from the pasta. It was a wild visit to the Olive Garden! I think the visit scared her.

Um, My brother looks like he has a slight mexi mustache in this picture, I don't recall seeing it at the time. He looks happy to be there as well. Happy, happy Ode to family time!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Embrace

Ahhh..After going two whole days without seeing my luv, it was heaven to be in his arms again. That's all I have to say!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pumpkin Activity Gone VERY wrong

So I noticed on Tuesday there was a little sprinkle of fuzz in both the pumpkins. I wasn't to concerned. I thought no big deal. Well, I woke up on Thursday morning and this is what I found. YIKES!!! Look close..the green, and black is mold. SICKKKKKKK. It was so mushy. Poor pumpkin of Nic's.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Love is a wonderful thing..

I think its kind of funny that about four people read my blog. I guess that is why I am so personal. I want my family to know how happy I am. I really never thought I would ever feel this happy. I really truly hope and believe this happiness will last. Life has its up's and downs, but in general having a good attitude and a happy soul make it so much better. I can't be more greatful for the man brought into my life right now. I guess you can never predict the future, but I see one with him. I hope things go as smooth as they are right now into the future. He is just the person I want to be like. He has so many awesome qualities. He brings out everything good about me. I also love the fact we were friends first. That is the only way to date now in my eyes. Hopefully I wont have to worry about that anymore. Well, I have rambled, but my heart is very full this morning. I have an amazing life!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Pumpkin Time

SO, Nic and I were feeling a bit on the wild side and decided to carve some pumpkins. They turned out pretty cute..but mine was better. It isn't the best view of the pumpkins, but you get the idea. Mostly I had to show off my man. Look at those muscles...that's why I love him of coarse :-) Again we had a great weekend. I swear just when I think it was the best weekend ever another one tops it off. We spent every spare minute together friday, Sat, and Sunday. We can't stop glowing.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My New Jeans..

So today is my last day of school for the week. We had parent teacher confrences the last two nights. I am spent. After Parent teachers I got a bee in my bonnett, and bought $100 pair of jeans. For all of you who don't know I recently lost 20 pounds in the last 2 and a half months. I have been working with a trainer, and eating like a health nut. It has paid off though, because I am still dropping. Anyway, they are a size I have not been in a long time, and I have to admit they make my tush look pretty darn good. That is my one of my areas that have a lack of bounce to it (Flat and wide in past). It is improving and getting a bit perkier, but according to my trainer she wants to get another 20 pounds off of me, and I am sure it will be up to my shoulder blades by then. Yea baby! I just feel amazing this morning. Tonight Nick and I are going to an 80's butt rock band. I got a tank top just for the occasion. I love that boy......sigh. We couldn't hang out last night because we are both so darn busy, but we did manage to talk on the phone for 45 only seemed like five. Time flies with him. I am such a lucky woman!~

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally Pics...Chris..:-)

So I have pics up...there are so many more..but I included the ones with Nick in them..since some of you are very interested
What is up with my face?
Again...What is up with my face??

My Hot Date at the dance...


These are some pictures from the dinner before the dance! Me and some of my students...cute!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Most AMAZING weekend ever!

So, let me tell you about my weekend. Now, I can tell you about my guy. We have been friends for while, but about a month ago it started to turn into something more. His name is Nick, and we have worked together at 24 hour fitness for over a year. He is a personal trainer...aka..Mr. Buff man (you should see his muscles!). At first he was a little shy, but this summer he couldn't stay away from me at the front desk..:-) Then, I couldn't shut him up!! Well, he would say he can't shut me up, but that's ok. So...we started to date. It was very natural. It has been the best dating experience I have ever had. He is just amazing in everyway. We had the best weekend together. We spent about 30 hours straight together. Now, that is a record for me for sure. I drug him to the high school dance with me. He was a champ. I actually got him to bust a move on the dance floor. We even snuck in a few slow dances. I don't think I have slow danced with anyone for a long time. Sunday we spent all day eating, working out (he kicked my butt!), and just relaxing. I think I met my other half....:-). SHHHH..don't tell, but I think he feels the same way!

Friday, September 19, 2008

I am in Bliss

So, I am sitting here being super unproductive as school comes to a close for the day. I pretty much have one thing on my mind, but I can't say just yet what it is. This weekend is going to be a blast! Tonight I am going to my high school's home coming game. I seriously hope we win. I went to last weeks game and it was very sad. We lost 7-42. The word on the street is that they will pull it off this game..we will see! I am going with my friend Mel, and trying to drag another along. My friends are not so anxious to go back to high school, but I live in it every day. On Sat I am going to Chaperone the home coming dance. Yea ha!! I decided to make the best of it, and arranged for some of my peer tutors to go stag along with some of my students. We are going to have blast. Sunday...well..........I can't say yet..but I know I will be sharing it with someone who shall remain nameless at this poing. However, I do know it will be an amazing time...just sitting around is amazing with this nameless person...ha ha.........

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My life

Well just to update everyone. I currently live in Midvale, Ut (that is the SLC area for all of you non-utah people). I have two jobs that keep me very busy. I teach severe special education at a high school here in Midvale. I also get the opportunity to teach peer tutorings as well. They are regular education students who get to get to help tutor my students for a grade. I am around teens ALL day, but I love it. I also work the front desk at 24 hourfitness on some nights, and weekend. This is my fun job. I love going to work. I am friends with everyone I work with. I am very greatful for both jobs. There have been many friendships created from both jobs, and can't imagine my life with out some of these people!
I guess I don't get the idea of blogging, so I decided to try it out! Most everyone that I associate with has one! They are all married, and blog about their kids & husbands, and other random family activities. I on the other hand have no kids, and last time I checked no husband. However I do have many school children that I am in charge of on a daily basis, and also a new signifigent other, so I can subsitute! My activities day to day really don't vary all that much, but sometimes I feel like I live in a comedy. My students are hilarious and very dramatic. I try to keep a sense of humor about it all. I would not make it through my job if I took anything to serious. I really do love them like I would my own children. I am the mother hen of them all here at school. I am very protective of how they are treated at school. We have a blast some days, and I think wow I am getting paid to hang out with these amazing children. With that said..I love to ramble, and I am doing it AGAIN..ha! More to come...........