Thursday, October 23, 2008


There are moments in your life where you feel sad, happy, anxious, stressed, over-whelmed, I could go on. This very moment in my life I feel at peace. I know I have mentioned it earlier in my posts, but I can't say it enough. I want to remember this moment in my life forever. I hope to continue this peace for a very long time into the future. I honestly feel like my life is complete. For those of you who are close to me, you know I have struggled to get things together in my life at times. I know I am not perfect, or do I make perfect choices all the time still, but my life just feels together. I only talk about Nic alot on here because he doesn't look on my blog. I have yet to give him the address. Some day I will share my blog with him. I need to brag about him a little. You know before you meet the "one" you kind of make a mental list in your head of what you want in a future partner? Well, he has everything I have ever wanted and more. I know it's totally clique to say, but it is very heart felt. I feel like when we are together my heart is whole and complete. I also feel when we are apart my heart hurts a little. I know its cheesy, but this is the first time I have understood what it means to be in love. I even want to take him shopping with me now. In the past I never worried about including a boy in my basic decisions, but I want to include him in everything. That's part of being in a real relationship. I am almost 30, but I have never understood it. I have waited so long to experience something like this. I feel so blessed every day of my life. Love is not over rated. I have never felt like this in. I love you Nic! It's my shout out to him, even though he doesnt read this. ..:-)

1 comment:

Christina White said...

Hi Becca, I like to hear your thoughts about Nic, it makes me smile. I can't wait to meet the man that is making you this happy! It sounds like everything should work out for me to come on Nov. 1st and 2nd, it is Stake Conference and they are splitting our Stake, and so I feel a little bad not being there for it all, but I am hoping that everything will work out and that Scott can fill me in on all the details! I would really like to meet Nic and visit you before Christmas and such! I feel like it is really important. So I will keep working on the details and hopefully it will all work out! I love you! Keep posting!

Much Love, Chris