Friday, September 19, 2008

I am in Bliss

So, I am sitting here being super unproductive as school comes to a close for the day. I pretty much have one thing on my mind, but I can't say just yet what it is. This weekend is going to be a blast! Tonight I am going to my high school's home coming game. I seriously hope we win. I went to last weeks game and it was very sad. We lost 7-42. The word on the street is that they will pull it off this game..we will see! I am going with my friend Mel, and trying to drag another along. My friends are not so anxious to go back to high school, but I live in it every day. On Sat I am going to Chaperone the home coming dance. Yea ha!! I decided to make the best of it, and arranged for some of my peer tutors to go stag along with some of my students. We are going to have blast. Sunday...well..........I can't say yet..but I know I will be sharing it with someone who shall remain nameless at this poing. However, I do know it will be an amazing time...just sitting around is amazing with this nameless person...ha ha.........

1 comment:

Oceanchild said...

Sounds like sunday turned out to be pretty good....