Like I mentioned before in my previous post I have been struggling lately with being depressed and want to try now focus on the positive. I am starting to see a therapist. YES..a therapist!
We talked about a problem I have and that is I think TO much, and have to much time to do this. We talked about ways I could keep my brain occupied with good things rather then letting it steer into the negative side. Of coarse get a hobby came up..ha ha! I think I have let go of some things I truly enjoy doing. I think it's important to keep our brains active. I have compiled a list for you all that I am going to be working on for the new year: GO ME for having new years resolutions done early..ha. They are actually not New Years resolutions but is the list:
1. I love to write and express my feelings. So with that said I will be blogging alot more. I am not the most amazing writer on the planet, I can't spell worth a darn, and my grammer may be bad but I LOVE it!
2. I also love to read, and I have not read to many books since I got married. Oh I love to snuggle up and read a good book. Nothing helps my brain escape more.
3. Focus on becoming closer with friends or family members I have neglected. I get to wrapped up and into myself that I don't stop to think of this. I have made it a goal to re-connect with one friend or family member a week.I have been blessed with so many people in my life that I have many that I need to bring back into my life.
4.Try a new hobby. Ok I have always wanted to make jewelry for a while now. I know starting out may be an expense but by darn this is something I have wanted to try for a while. When all the holiday spending goes away I will invest some money to start myself up on this.
5.Exercise more..of coarse that is a given. For those of you who don't know I was in very wonderful shape for my wedding and I worked out regulary for year and was very dedicated. I then got married and let it all slip away gaining 30 pounds, hence the drepression. Well, that's over now and pulling myself out. On a side note you can follow me on my fitness journy at (I will post it on my blog roll).
6.I have wanted to for as long as I can remember make a quilt. Who knows why or even how to start but I am sure I could hit up some craft store. I probably need a sewing machine, but maybe my mom has a spare do ya?? or anyone??
7.Bake and cook more. I do this alot anyway, but I want to try out healthier recipes. I modify alot of recipes to make them healthier, but I want to try out new ingredients and get more creative. I will be posting them on my fitness blog, so if you want to copy them, they will be on there.
8.Be a better wife. Think more and do more for my wonderful husband.
9.Start playing the piano again. This is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Anyone want to donate a piano to me???
10. Be a better family member SPEND more time on keeping in touch with family. DID You hear that family? SO don't get sick of me if I text you more or call you!!!
Alright, that's a good start. WOW..I feel better already....
Nick and I are so excited to come home to Idaho for Christmas. Unfortunately I don't get out of school until the 23rd. That's right...ARE YOU SERIOUS? My students are starting to lose all sense of work ethic. One kid today was bouncing in his seat for an hour like tiger and he would not calm down. Oh man..going to be a long three days next week.
Well signing off for now. I am going to o funeral for one of my former students. So sad! He was a cute kid! His personality was off the charts. He will be greatly missed!
5 years ago
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