one week from today I will officially be Becca Remy. Don't you all love the sound of that? I sure do. I have my first official document with my new name on it, and it's my gym membership. That's right I FINALLY quite my job at twenty four hour fitness. The place has served me well what can I say. I met my soon to be hubby there, and pretty much every friend I have right now in Utah. With my job loss I also lost my free gym membership. Have no fear Nick is here to swoop ma up and add me onto his membership for free. YES!!!!!!!! I am marrying him for a free membership, and a free personal trainer. Think of how much money I will save on my fitness over the years. Of coarse kidding. I am soooooo excited to marry my baby! I am a bundle of nerves and butterflies all swarming around in my tummy! I so appreciate the effort some of you have made to come to my wedding. I have such great friends and family.SHOUT OUT TO YOU ALL!!! YEA!