Monday, March 9, 2009

My baby..I stole this from my sister!

1.Where did you meet your husband (fiance)?
I met him at my second job at 24 hour fitness. I worked the front desk, and he is a personal trainer. We were friends at work first. We talked and talked for hours at the front desk, and I seriously spilled my guts to him all last summer. I didn't look at him as more then a friend until right before we started dating. I thought he is such a good guy. We were both in denial for a while...then first date, magic!

2.How long did you date before you got married? We will have dated 10 months by the time we will be married. Not even a year!

3. How long have you been married? Zero years...but hope to be a life time!

4. What does he do that surprises you? He will send me sweet text messages all the time. He always does the dishes after I cook. I LOVE THIS! He will clean other areas of my apartment. He will bring me a drink at school. He does little thoughtful things for me all the time. He treats me like a princess!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? Where do I started. I love his arms, they are so buff. He has a gorgeous body all over. He has nice soft skin. Yum!

6. What is his best quality? I would have to say his respect for people. He is so respectful of me, and others. He does not gossip! I love this about him. He has good things to say about people. He is so honest, and he is comfortable in his own skin.

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Becca Boo..I love it when he calls me that!

8. What is his favorite food? He is weird and loves anything with protein. His favorite food other then protein shakes, would have to be mint chocolate ice cream. He also loves anything I it blind!

9. What is his favorite sport? He likes to play soccor. I guess if you call weight lifting a sport that would be his number one. He doesn't watch sports on TV. I am ok with this, since I am not into sports at all!

10. When and where did you first kiss? Our first kiss was the first night we went out. It was on my red couches. I know fast, but belive me I couldn't wait to kiss his amazing lips!

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We love to work out together. We love just being together doing anything. I would spend 24/7 with him if I could and never get sick of him. We are just best friends more then anything!

12. Do you have any children? Nooooooooooo, but hope to have a couple!

13.Does he have any hidden talents? I would have to say housework.

15. Who said 'I love you' first? I knew we both wanted to say it, but I made him say it, because he said he has a hard time saying I love you to anyone. He says it about five times a day now. I love hearing it everything time he says it. It never gets old hearing those words come out of his lips!

16. What is his favorite music? He is sweet and lets me control the music when we are together. I would have to say incubus, and some other bands are his favorite that I have never heard of. I make him listen to rap all the time!

17. What do you admire most about him? Like mentioned above I admire his honesty. I also admire his work ethic. He is a hard worker, and he is always saying he wants to provide a good life for us. I love that! I also admire his respect for woman. I have never heard him say anything degrading to or about woman, even when we were friends.

18. What is his favorite color? Blue, and Red

19. Will he read this? No

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